Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A New Reality

I haven't had too much time to write lately, but I've promised myself to make time more time.  I hope you all are having the best year ever!

Reality has struck my family and I pretty intensely in the past couple of weeks.  I'd say it's about the same as sprinting into a brick wall, but I know God's in control and I never doubt his plans of greatness.  "Nobody said it would be easy.  They just promised it would be worth it."

Last week my loved one was diagnosed with another disease.  Alzheimer's.  I can't express how that specific word and all that comes with it is a tough one to register, let alone deal with first hand on a daily basis.  It's not fair to keep it a secret from her anymore, so my family and I told her on her birthday.  I dobut she remembers, but that may be best.  I've never spoon fed medicine to anyone other than my sweet babies.  I've never done a list of other things for someone who is helpless other than my children.  Scratch that, two years ago I sat with a neighbor in the hospital until she passed because eveyrone needs someone and she had no family that cared enough to be with her. 

I trusted God and listened to him when I resigned from my previous position with my former employer.  You all know (well I hope you do) that I don't believe in coincidences.  God knew long before I did that my new position would be to run a family business and be a caregiver.  "I know God won't give me more than I can handle.  I just wish he didn't trust me so much."  ---Mother Teresa

Being a mommy is a caregiver position,  but it's different if it's your own children or just children period.  I've been a caregiver to children that weren't my own.  It's so much different when roles are reversed and you find yourself being a caregiver and making decisions for a precious older adult who is dear to your heart & a family member. 

I always thought that being a mommy was the hardest job in the world.  It is tough.  Don't get me wrong. But, I was wrong.  My current "job" is so rewarding knowing I can take care of my sweet & precious loved one, but it's a challenge to say the least.  I do my best, pray, and know God gives me the strength to do what I do.  Without him, I wouldn't be able to do it.  I can't tell you how it hurts my heart to see the things I've seen and to do the things I do because she can't do it herself nor can she remember to do basic things. 

Things have been wonderful with my sweet boys!  Yesterday, my oldest told me he loves me because I'm the best mommy in the world.  I'll take that one to the bank!  In my opinion, that's hands down the best compliment I could ever receive as a mommy! 

I discovered "rodent droppings" under the sink and panicked!!  I'm talking the boys and I stayed a couple of nights with family members type of panicked!  I'm petrified of rodents, reptiles, and most all the other little critters my boys love.  My grandfather set the mouse traps while we packed our bags =)  We returned home two nights later when I knew that sweet, plump, "Mickey" was dead and removed from our home.  I couldn't stand the thought of a mouse in our beds or running across the floor!  Ahhhhh!  Let's hope he doesn't have a family!

I'm BEYOND excited for the weekend!  I'm prepared for birthday parties, church, and to to see the superbowl commercials and my childhood idol (Madonna) to deliver an exceptional halftime show.

Life IS great and I'm so blessed.  I never take that for granted.  I say I love you lots because I don't know when I won't be able to say it anymore.  I take lots of photos even if they aren't gorgeous.  Health can change in an instant.  Well, anything can and I've become extremely aware of that. 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, tell those you love how you feel, and enjoy the little things in life!  I smile even when it's hard, because I am certain that one smile may brighten someone else's day.  I say I'm sorry because I am and I don't argue (well, most of the time).  I believe in love, happiness, peace, happy endings, and so much more!  Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy!  I hope you all are too!  It's contagious =)  May God bless you and show you all you have to be blessed about.

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