Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Act Now

In my life I've met many people from all walks of life.  Rich, poor, homeless, successful, role models, leaders, & other Christians.  I've lived in many different cities, traveled for work, missions, & for pleasure.  I've yet to meet someone that says "Hello, my name is so and so and I"m a Christian."  Wouldn't it be wonderful if that was THE introduction?  Christ is the only one who defines me, so shouldn't it be something that we are proud of?  Instead, I hear "Hi, I'm whats his/her name, and I work at ____ or, I'm the Vice President of ____, or I've done this and that (wonderful things).  I've always known that my circumstances never defined who I was or what made me Robin.  I was created in the image of God, and I am his child.  The rest of my life is only minor details.  God knows everything about me and he's my boss. 

I've met several different personality types.  I'm a "people person," so I can talk to anyone without hesitation.  I don't have a shy bone in my body.  If I'm quiet or distant, then I am most usually in deep thought about other things or listening intently.  I used to react to everything.  I mean everything!  Overreact is a better word.  If someone was bit by a mosquito, I would have to assess the bite, clean it, and make sure it was properly bandaged before life could go on.  I have learned to not be reactive.  I'm not ashamed of who I once was.  I'm blessed!  As I've grown in my religion and faith, I have learned to make different choices. 

Now, I think before I speak (pretty basic I know, but how many of us are actually planning/thinking what we will say before the other person is even finished with their thought or sentence?).  I think, pray, and wait instead of reacting instantly.  Don't get me wrong, I still fall back into old ways and speak without thinking first.  For the most part, I am proud to say I'm no longer reactive, but proactive.  I've found that if I wait, think, and pray on any given situation then God's will is bound to happen!  God's will and my will are often different.  I want God's will for my life and my children's life.  He runs the show and knows what's best.  I don't know what's best even when that mom voice inside my head thinks I do!

Never in my life have things just fallen into my lap.  I was working at the age of twelve as a babysitter.  I couldn't legally work in the state I was raised in & I was taught the importance of hard work when I was old enough to do chores.  EVERYTHING in my life that is of value to me is a result of hard work.  Family, vehicles, careers, friends, etc.  All of those things take work.  I used to think that some of those things should just flow naturally and I'd have to do nothing to ensure that relationships, car maintenance, and so on stayed in tact.  I was wrong.  Dead wrong!  I've never been the reactive type.  Sure, I've acted on impulse as we all have done, but I've never waited for things to happen to me.  I believe you can wait for amazing things to happen to you or you can MAKE amazing things happen!  I have chosen to make things happen!  "Be the change you wish to see in the world."  We all know that the only person or situation we are able to change is ours. 

And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.  Philemon 1:6

I hear people say things like "I don't know why my family can't ever pay our bills," or "I can't ever seem to lose weight."  The simple facts are usually because the family is overspending, not on a budget, and not making an effort & the other person isn't doing the work entailed to lose weight.  Some people don't grasp that to "get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done." 

Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else. Galatians 6:4

Proactive people make things happen.  Reactive people wait for things to happen.  The problem is that things don't always magically happen for those waiting around for the big life-changer.  I try to be proactive in all I do, but what counts for me is my faith.  I want to make things happen for Christ!  I want to make a difference in this big world.  What type of person are you?  Are you waiting for that big promotion?  Are you waiting for your children to grown out of their phase?  Are you giving your all in your relationship with God?  Are you waiting on God to change you without doing anything? 

You see, his faith and his actions worked together. His actions made his faith complete. James 2:22

I believe that God will return one day.  I'm trying to prepare!  Yes, things are busy and hectic, but my God knows my heart, life, and soul better than I do.  Let's all make a difference!  Let's at least get up and do something (anything) other than sit around and complain about why things never go our way or why we never catch a break.  Make the change and be an example!  Choose to lead and follow only God! Let's put our ideas and gifts given by God to use and act NOW!   I hope you all have a blessed weekend!

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